You can’t have too many Friends

………………..or too many Bears

you-cant-have-too-many-bears-002At the Golden Harvest Quilters 2003 Hi-fibre Retreats I handed out the first of three lots of instructions for a Square Sally.

( Somebody asked how Round Robins got here name because they are usually square, so …..)

My soft and cuddly character was meant to be a portrait of B C Bear, but there wasn’t a suitable background fabric, so I changed his fur colour, and he became Chubby Chops.

The bear was cut out on July 15th 2004, just before I wrote the second lot of instructions which said to give him/her/it something to read, but he was completed and borders were added before the retreats started.

There are advantages to knowing what is coming next year!

The quote was added using Fabrico marker, and is an adaptation of a quote from Imelda Marcos, who said you can’t have too many shoes or too many friends.

Bought two fabrics at the 2004 Retreats, one from Country Craft, one from Barossa Quilt Cottage, with bears on them, so I could give my bear something to play with before bringing back the completed project in 2006.

The hand quilting was done at Gumtree Quilters meetings between 2005 and 2006 retreats.


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